千高原读书会 01 块茎



Forwarded from Schizoanalysand K / 千酱精分现场




王先生告诉记者,他儿子今年13岁,正在读初一。“上个月底,孩子在学校表现有点反常,不愿意上思政课,老师经过检查,发现他课桌里有不少后现代书籍。”这一发现让王先生大为吃惊,在他的追问下,才得知孩子从今年7月份开始,偷偷摸摸在书店购买了 《拉康研讨班》、《反俄狄浦斯》和《千高原》(商品名为《资本主义与精神分裂》),而且长时间超剂量阅读,目前身体和心理都出现了严重的问题。


据了解,《千高原》是禁书,适用于反思后的谱系化叙事症状,用以弥补生命情感不足。《拉康研讨班》则有抑制父之名的作用。“我们发现问题以后,马上带孩子去真理部检查,已经发现孩子有块茎发育、超平面写作等现象,这让我们都快崩溃了!”王先生说,孩子同时还伴有严重的心理问题,烦躁易怒,并且有自残倾向,social credit 也一落千丈。孩子的母亲李女士最近只好请假在家,全力照顾孩子。


Forwarded from The Nighttime Watcher - 药物减害中文知识库

仅作为讲解使用,不可用于 OD 指南!

Dextromethorphan / DXM / 右美沙芬 是一种常见于非处方止咳药中的活性成分,因其在较高剂量下产生的解离 (dissociation) 等作用,部分人选择超说明书剂量使用。

DXM 效果因剂量而异,通常分为四个“高原”(Plateau,也可以理解为“平台”)。请参考以下剂量范围,并尽量选择剂量低侧:


Rhizome: creeping rootstalk 块茎

Two Types of a Book

  • “In a book, as in all things, there are lines of articulation or segmentarity, strata and territories; but also lines of flight, movements of deterritorialization and destratification.” (p. 3) 1
  • “As an assemblage, a book has only itself, in connection with other assemblages and in relation to other bodies without organs (CsO, BwO)” (p. 4)
  • Two types of book:
  1. root-book. $1, 2, 4, …$
  2. radicle-system. Joyce, Nietzsche2. from $n$ to $n-1$


(1. & 2.) Principles of connection and heterogeneity: any point of a rhizome can be connected to anything other, and must be.

(3.) Principle of multiplicity: it is only when the multiple is effectively treated as a substantive, “multiplicity,” that it ceases to have any relation to the One as subject or object, natural or spiritual reality, image and world.

(4.) Principle of asignifying rupture: against the oversignifying breaks separating structures or cutting across a single structure.

(5. & 6.) Principle of cartography and decalcomania: a rhizome is not amenable to any structural or generative model.

  • “Thought is not arborescent, and the brain is not a rooted or ramified matter.” (p. 15)
  • acentered system

Reflection on Reflection

  • “It is odd how the tree has dominated Western reality and all of Western thought, from botany to biology and anatomy, but also gnosiology, theology, ontology, all of philosophy . . . The East 3 presents a different figure: a relation to the steppe and the garden (or in some cases, the desert and the oasis), rather than forest and field.” (p.18)
  • The American synthesis
  • “Buddha’s tree itself becomes a rhizome; Mao’s river 4 and Louis’s tree” (p. 20)
  • PLURALISM = MONISM: “If it is a question of showing that rhizomes also have their own, even more rigid, despotism and hierarchy, then fine and good: for there is no dualism, no ontological dualism between here and there, no axiological dualism between good and bad, no blend or American synthesis. There are knots (cf. levinas) of arborescence in rhizomes, and rhizomatic offshoots in roots.” (p. 20)
  • A plateau is always in the middle, not at the beginning or the end. A rhizome is made of plateaus. A rhizome has also no beginning or end; it is always in the middle, between things, interbeing, intermezzo. (pp. 21, 25)

Real-Time Discussion

usor (he/they) says: D&R 里也有提 eternal return(关于epistemology)

usor (he/they) says: 欢迎大家在 etherpad 补充笔记!

usor (he/they) says: 一起做笔记也是 multiplicity 哈哈

serandecat🍥 says: 第四个特征——反意义的裂变的原则。 第五和第六个特征——制图学与贴花的原则。 12:01

鸽 says: 于是蚯蚓的身体也是纹理化的了 hhh

Zening niu says: 因为蚯蚓仍然是有机体。还不是严格意义上的 rhizome?

鸽 says: http://dangshi.people.com.cn/gb/n1/2019/0419/c85037-31038091.html

usor (he/they) says: 我看的 reader’s guide 里 stratification 的解释就是 process of actualization

Nova says:

A territorialized line is one that has a specific territory. It has been captured and imprisoned in a particular identity. There can be advantages to capture, to be sure. Capture is not all bad; it is a necessary moment of things…Territorialization is not the enemy to be overcome. Or rather, it only becomes the enemy when we become blind to deterritorialization. Deterritorialization is the chaos beneath and within the territories. It is the lines of flight without which there would be neither territory nor change in territory. Lines of flight are the immanent movement of deterritorialization that at once allows there to be a territory and destabilizes the territorial character of any territory.

这个是我看的一个 guide,todd may 写的

usor2 says:

The terms territorialization, de-territorialization, and re-territorialization link psychoanalysis and political economy by designating the investment of energy in specific areas of the body and the economy, the withdrawal of such investments, and their re-investment elsewhere. By the time they wrote A Thousand Plateaus, however, these terms converge with the terms stratification and de-stratification, and have a far wider scope of reference, as we will see, characterizing processes at work throughout the cosmos. (EW Holland)

Nova says:

All material, whether territorial or deterritorialized, is con- stituted by lines of flight. Being is pure difference. There are always actualized identities, always territories. But those territories are rooted in deterritorialization, a deterritorialization that is not inert.

Zening niu says: Strara 首先是一个严格地理学的概念:

it is the redundant and layered result of both coding and territorialization (Holland)

这些概念其实 holland 那本 Deleuze and Guattari dictionary 已经总结的比较清楚了。主要是要结合一些具体文本

usor2 says: 我觉得概念没有必要一开始搞太明白,DR 我的感想就是他同义词近义词很多。比如 stratification 和 territorialization 的区别其实可以先悬置的

  1. How do you understand (de-)stratification/territorialization? ↩︎

  2. Why does Nietzsche’s “cyclic unity of the eternal return” (p. 6) present a cyclic unity of knowledge↩︎

  3. How does Deleuze understand “the East”? Do you agree? ↩︎

  4. What is Mao’s river? 流动的历史必然性? ↩︎

最后修改于 2023-04-22
